The SilverLogic Blog


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Five Key Questions to Answer When Working with Personally ...

While there are several factors in deciding to commission custom software versus buying off the shelf, one area that requires extra care and discussion while setting up a project is the set of choices around handling personally identifiable information (PII). In case you’re skeptical, recall that Target suffered a massive breach in 2013, resulting in damages costing $252 million, before the 140 filed lawsuits against the corporation. 

While there are several factors in deciding to commission custom software versus buying off the shelf, one area that requires extra care and discussion while setting up a project is the set of choices around handling personally identifiable information (PII). In case you’re skeptical, recall that Target suffered a massive breach in 2013, resulting in damages costing $252 million, before the 140 filed lawsuits against the corporation. 

A Key Influence on Your Custom Software Budget: Roles and ...



The Impact of State Data Privacy Laws on Apps for Users and ...

Just about everyone’s had the uncanny experience of discussing a product, service, or place with someone and subsequently being served an ad for that very thing minutes later, often attributed to “your phone is always listening”. 

Just about everyone’s had the uncanny experience of discussing a product, service, or place with someone and subsequently being served an ad for that very thing minutes later, often attributed to “your phone is always listening”. 

Two More Ways to Secure Data: Audit Trails and Role-Based ...

In a previous post, we walked through three key starter questions to ask when it comes to navigating sensitive data security terrain. We called those starter questions because as you can imagine, data security is a deep, complex topic that requires ongoing practice and vigilance. There are two other tactics that come in handy for securing data.

In a previous post, we walked through three key starter questions to ask when it comes to navigating sensitive data security terrain. We called those starter questions because as you can imagine, data security is a deep, complex topic that requires ongoing practice and vigilance. There are two other tactics that come in handy for securing data.

Securing Sensitive Data in your Software

It’s easy to get caught up rubbernecking at serious data breaches at high profile companies – and it’s equally easy to think, “well, who’d want to come after my company? We’re not that big.” This, friends, is a great way to stumble in the running of your business. 

It’s easy to get caught up rubbernecking at serious data breaches at high profile companies – and it’s equally easy to think, “well, who’d want to come after my company? We’re not that big.” This, friends, is a great way to stumble in the running of your business. 

DRF Fundamentals: Permissions and Filters


This blog follows up on our recent DRF Fundamentals: Permissions and Filtering workshop (watch it here), led by TSL software engineer, Pedro Tibúrcio. The basics of setting up permissions, using DRF's permission classes, creating custom permissions, and implementing filtering were discussed. Specifically, Pedro covered:


This blog follows up on our recent DRF Fundamentals: Permissions and Filtering workshop (watch it here), led by TSL software engineer, Pedro Tibúrcio. The basics of setting up permissions, using DRF's permission classes, creating custom permissions, and implementing filtering were discussed. Specifically, Pedro covered:

Introduction to Lighting Control Systems

Have you ever noticed commercial buildings with lighting that changes through a range of colors and patterns at different locations on the structure and wondered how that works? Have you ever thought about what kind of system would allow you to control lighting and scheduling? We are going to discuss lighting control systems and hopefully shed some light on how it all works.

Have you ever noticed commercial buildings with lighting that changes through a range of colors and patterns at different locations on the structure and wondered how that works? Have you ever thought about what kind of system would allow you to control lighting and scheduling? We are going to discuss lighting control systems and hopefully shed some light on how it all works.

The Pros and Cons of Software as a Service (SaaS)


Software as a Service (SaaS) has emerged as a prominent category within cloud computing, offering web-based software platforms accessible across all devices and operating systems with an internet connection. This blog explores the advantages and disadvantages of SaaS for businesses, shedding light on its cost-effectiveness, accessibility, scalability, maintenance benefits, and ease of deployment, while also delving into security concerns, lack of control, upgrade issues, and connectivity challenges. We also discuss the benefits of building and owning your own SaaS solution.


Software as a Service (SaaS) has emerged as a prominent category within cloud computing, offering web-based software platforms accessible across all devices and operating systems with an internet connection. This blog explores the advantages and disadvantages of SaaS for businesses, shedding light on its cost-effectiveness, accessibility, scalability, maintenance benefits, and ease of deployment, while also delving into security concerns, lack of control, upgrade issues, and connectivity challenges. We also discuss the benefits of building and owning your own SaaS solution.

IoT in business operations

More and more businesses are adopting Internet of Things solutions to cut costs, boost productivity, and massively scale knowledge of their own operations - so why do 6 in 10 firms that pilot IoT initiatives not follow through on them? The consulting firm Capgemini set out to answer this question, and its new report shows that a majority of businesses falter during the early implementation phase of IoT solution implementation.

More and more businesses are adopting Internet of Things solutions to cut costs, boost productivity, and massively scale knowledge of their own operations - so why do 6 in 10 firms that pilot IoT initiatives not follow through on them? The consulting firm Capgemini set out to answer this question, and its new report shows that a majority of businesses falter during the early implementation phase of IoT solution implementation.

Guidelines for IoT security from the UK Government

On the heels of major security breaches related to the Internet of Things (IoT Devices) in recent years, the UK government released a new report this week outlining 13 guidelines it hopes to see become the standard for devices sold to consumers in the United Kingdom.

On the heels of major security breaches related to the Internet of Things (IoT Devices) in recent years, the UK government released a new report this week outlining 13 guidelines it hopes to see become the standard for devices sold to consumers in the United Kingdom.

Smart Cities | IoT Security in a Hyperconnected Landscape

In the past decade, we have seen an explosion of non-traditional devices connecting to the internet, but with all the benefits of smarter and more responsive devices. The sheer size of the ever-expanding Internet of Things (IoT) poses an unprecedented security challenge for businesses and consumers alike.

In the past decade, we have seen an explosion of non-traditional devices connecting to the internet, but with all the benefits of smarter and more responsive devices. The sheer size of the ever-expanding Internet of Things (IoT) poses an unprecedented security challenge for businesses and consumers alike.
