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Choosing Overseas vs Onshore Custom Software Partners

When you're building a startup or guiding a company through its early phase, implementing a solid growth strategy is crucial – and choosing the right custom software development partner is an important step in this process. The first fork in the road you may encounter is whether to find help onshore or overseas. We’ve noticed folks have strong opinions one way or the other about this, but it’s not either/or. There are times when onshore (especially local!) makes more sense, and times when overseas can instead make more sense. Let’s take a look. 

When you're building a startup or guiding a company through its early phase, implementing a solid growth strategy is crucial – and choosing the right custom software development partner is an important step in this process. The first fork in the road you may encounter is whether to find help onshore or overseas. We’ve noticed folks have strong opinions one way or the other about this, but it’s not either/or. There are times when onshore (especially local!) makes more sense, and times when overseas can instead make more sense. Let’s take a look. 

Supercharging MindBody: MindBody and QuickBooks ...

If you’re in the health and wellness industry, you are fully aware of the hours wasted daily dealing with disconnected records, managing customer data, and fighting with outdated or archaic payment systems.

If you’re in the health and wellness industry, you are fully aware of the hours wasted daily dealing with disconnected records, managing customer data, and fighting with outdated or archaic payment systems.

Is Your Mobile App Business Opportunity Viable?

Do you have the next multi-million-dollar app idea? Perhaps you're gearing up to present it at an upcoming event like 'Meet the Angels,' hosted by FAU Tech Runway in Boca Raton, Florida, in hopes of securing investment. But how can you ensure that your app doesn't become another I Am Rich and instead becomes the next Facebook? Let's explore key factors to determine the viability of your mobile app business opportunity.

Do you have the next multi-million-dollar app idea? Perhaps you're gearing up to present it at an upcoming event like 'Meet the Angels,' hosted by FAU Tech Runway in Boca Raton, Florida, in hopes of securing investment. But how can you ensure that your app doesn't become another I Am Rich and instead becomes the next Facebook? Let's explore key factors to determine the viability of your mobile app business opportunity.

How to Develop My First M.V.P

We’ve asked a lot out of you so far on this IDEA process, so it’s time we finally get to the fun part! Now we get to put together all of the hard work you’ve done during the Inquire, Define, and Eliminate phase. Now aspire to greatness for your finished product.

We’ve asked a lot out of you so far on this IDEA process, so it’s time we finally get to the fun part! Now we get to put together all of the hard work you’ve done during the Inquire, Define, and Eliminate phase. Now aspire to greatness for your finished product.

The Process of Elimination While Creating An MVP

The M.V.P. is the Minimum Viable Product, and this is the first stage of your application. It is the most basic feature needed to allow your user to move from the beginning to the end of your user flow. Once we have this basic product, then we will introduce the more intricate features later.

The M.V.P. is the Minimum Viable Product, and this is the first stage of your application. It is the most basic feature needed to allow your user to move from the beginning to the end of your user flow. Once we have this basic product, then we will introduce the more intricate features later.


The Inquiry phase of our IDEA development process is all about asking pertinent questions to help you explore your idea, its potential features, and your budget. This phase is necessary to begin the development process for an M.V.P. and is meant to spark your imagination, letting the possibilities of your idea explode forward!

The Inquiry phase of our IDEA development process is all about asking pertinent questions to help you explore your idea, its potential features, and your budget. This phase is necessary to begin the development process for an M.V.P. and is meant to spark your imagination, letting the possibilities of your idea explode forward!

MVP | Questions to Guide Your Next Tech Entrepreneurship ...

Great ideas are just that: ideas. The difficulty comes when you try to create a product equally as amazing as your initial thought. The steps outlined in our IDEA Workbook are meant to actualize your ideas. The Inquire phase is the first — and arguably the most important (!) — phase in making ideas happen.

Great ideas are just that: ideas. The difficulty comes when you try to create a product equally as amazing as your initial thought. The steps outlined in our IDEA Workbook are meant to actualize your ideas. The Inquire phase is the first — and arguably the most important (!) — phase in making ideas happen.
