Software Development Company Wins eMerge Americas 2019 Hackathon

On April 27th, 2019, two teams from The SilverLogic (TSL) joined 26 other teams to compete in the annual eMerge Americas hackathon. The assignment was to create a technology innovation bridge between cities to bring the world and Miami together. “ TSL’s SilverEagle team created an app they called “On The Move.” The app allowed users to plan custom activities in a particular location within a given time window. The app was a functional, native Android app that could display activities near the user that could be completed in the time the user had allotted as free time. SilverEagle’s “On the Move” app claimed the first place prize of $10,000 while TSL’s SilverFox team finished close behind as a top 5 finalist.
TSL’s CEO and founder David Hartmann reflected: “I’m so proud that our two teams finished in the top five. Designing and developing an idea into a working product within 24 hours is quite hard, so this hackathon was even more challenging by giving us only 12 hours.”
How “On the Move” works: Users set the time they can allocate for activities and select the types of places they would like to visit. Once this data is entered the app geolocates the user and automatically creates a schedule. Activities and places can be changed or added, and the app calculates the amount of time the user has allocated and travel time to amend the schedule. This app would appeal to anyone that is in a new city, perhaps on a layover, who might want to use their available hours to explore instead of waiting in their hotel for a flight.
About The SilverLogic ( TSL is a custom software development company and solution architect based in Boca Raton, Florida. Our team leverages cutting-edge technologies and tools, such as iOS and Android apps, AR, blockchain, and IoT, to develop custom solutions that save businesses time and money and turn costly business problems or bottlenecks into streamlined profitable solutions.
Winning multiple coding competitions and awards, our highly skilled development teams design solutions that satisfy requirements and budgets while simplifying collaboration to maximize results. Leveraging the powerful transparency of agile and scrum, our teams deliver high-quality solutions with lightning speed, feature by feature, exactly what our clients need.