Recommended Readings for Developers at the Start of their Careers

As part of our hiring process, we do a standardized, at-home, non-time-limited Work Sample Test. The goals of the work sample test are to provide applicants a standardized way to demonstrate their abilities in web development, and are for the most part framework agnostic, even though we prefer Django, applicants with experience in Rails or Express are welcome to use their preferred tool. This article contains some readings and resources that we consider "nice to have" knowledge for applicants or anyone interested in working in web development.
Be Prepared to Answer
- How do you approach a bug?
- What tools are you using to debug?
Backend Resources
Django Books
Web Frontend
Some related technologies that you could take a look at to make your app richer are:
Material UI to add more nice components to your app.
NextJS for its deployment features for your React applications,
Storybook to help you with a strong structure for your app.
Related technologies for running your application locally and on production servers: