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The New Era of Automation

Written by Marketing Team | May 28, 2020 6:22:49 PM

"The New Era of Automation" doesn't come with a handbook. Automating work isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Certain industries, firms, and jobs are more likely to be impacted than others. 

What is the Automation Era?

The Automation Era is a new global climate in business operations, a natural successor to the Information Age, where everyday users expect automation to be an integral part of their daily services. As one of The SilverLogic’s areas of expertise, our personalized business automation software has helped companies boost their growth and productivity, working at the very forefront of the Era of Automation. Both in business-to-business, or B2B, and customer-facing transactions, having reliable technology to give your company the power to stand on its own two feet is proving more of a necessity than a luxury in the Automation Era. With the help of his automation technology, up-and-coming CEO Viktor Stensson has now been able to challenge European banking. He agrees with this new need to automate, “We are approaching an era in which users and customers will expect automation as a default…essentially because it makes task[s] more time-efficient and manageable. We will see AI disrupt even the biggest and oldest industries in the future.”

How digital user behavior is it affecting businesses

The driving force behind this technological revolution is digital user behavior. So, what is digital user behavior and how is it affecting businesses? Digital user behavior is the everyday person’s routine of data transactions and business services as they go about their professional and personal life. Whether they are placing an order through Amazon, communicating through their business applications, manipulating their bank account, or simply ordering lunch, each user contributes to only a fraction of this new world’s data needs. Hundreds of millions of consumers are now requesting data transactions and business operations simultaneously for the services they require. Amazon, for example, collects a daily average of 5GB of data per user in the United States alone, showcasing how much data traffic a successful business has to be able to handle in the information age. Processing all of this data is impossible without the help of software automation, proper system architecture, and comprehensive APIs. APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are programming tool belts that allow software developers to create applications that interact with a company’s systems, data, and architecture. They are critical for business applications to succeed since all of their daily user data can be easily shared across different platforms and fully harnessed for success.

Furthermore, as these business trends in the Era of Automation progress, consumers will always lean towards services that offer convenience, accessibility, and instantaneous data transactions. Even company workers are now expecting the convenient and clean user experiences of consumer apps in their business apps, in order to maintain efficacy and productivity in the workplace. People worldwide are engaged in their lives and professions and may not be willing to wait for outdated systems, especially with quicker, more convenient alternatives on the market.

Keeping up with digital user behavior and automation

Small businesses having a comprehensive API for their systems’ platforms—such as websites and applications—is the first step in keeping up with digital user behavior. The next natural step is adopting business automation. As companies grow and their daily user activity increases, managing the minutiae of daily business by hand eventually becomes implausible. Employees are also generating a staggering amount of virtual activity, through day-to-day workplace dealings. And, consequently, businesses cannot afford for their in-house operations to be slow or inefficient in this new market. Working from VISA’s API, for example, The SilverLogic developed the award-winning RealDeal, an application that allows mobile users to scan storefronts with their cameras to be presented with an animated display of deals and discounts in those specific locales. Enabling consumers to pursue their needs with tailored, accessible automation technology gives companies the ability to stand more independently, while in-house workers can focus on developing new ideas, making important decisions, and moving the company forward.

With new customer expectations and new technologies, the Era of Automation has the potential to stir the global business world. New competitors, such as Stensson, are challenging age-old institutions with great results, having been funded more than €10 million in the past year for his cutting-edge business automation technology. And, as tech progresses exponentially, automated companies are gaining a competitive edge. You can ensure your company stays viable during this technological revolution with The SilverLogic and our expertise in easy automation options, personalized application development, and solution architecture.